胜格电气(上海)有限公司(SENGLE ELECTRIC) 是一家致力于为客户提供适合客户需求、性价比较优的运动、传动控制系统及相关配套产品,并提供全套的解决方案于一体的产品营运商和系统集成商。 涉及领域:混合动汽车主电机控制系统、EPS电控系统、纺织机械 、电梯、冲床控制、数控机床数显控制系统、数控专机设计制造等。 SENGLE ELECTRIC is a System Integrator and the Product suppliers, and tries our best to provide the customers with the most suitable demand, the best valuable sports system, driving control system and the related products, and provides the total solution. Related Areas: The main motor control system of Hybrid Cars, EPS electrical control system, Textile Machinery, Elevator,Press Control, CNC digital control system,the Design and manufacture of NC special and so on.